The PeaceMaker School

of Canada

Welcome to the PeaceMaker School

of Spiritual Healing

Teaching Peacemaking


Community Building


Global Healing

spiritual practice

Sacred Land Practices

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Donate to the School

All donations given to the school will be used 100% towards tuition for students who require support in order to participate in our programs. We have many adults who also need support to participate.

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creative arts

Donate to the Future Generation

Our goal is to encourage young adults to learn about being connected with Mother Earth, to experience sacredness, to see themselves interconnected with all life and to learn the basic tenants of being at peace and being a peacemaker.

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community building

Sign Up for a Retreat

Spiritual retreats are offered in different locations. The Peacemaker School offers spiritual, healing retreats. Please see the Calendar of Events for upcoming opportunities in spiritual, meditation, and healing retreats.

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Sign Up for a Program

Training Programs focus on peacemaking, life skills and tools for personal, transformational change. Programs are taught by trained health professionals, all of whom have peacemaking skills and a wide range of life experience to offer.

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awareness training

About The PeaceMaker School

of Canada

The Peacemaker School of Canada is a bilingual non-profit, ecumenical, spiritual and educational organization. Our mission is to foster peace, healing and community building in the world through teaching, embodying and practicing peacemaking skills.

These teachings encompass, but are not limited to: prayer, meditation, spiritual practices, environmental education, traditional laying on of hands, energy medicine, community building, creative arts, insight and awareness training, ceremony, ethics and activism.

Specific programs are evening introductory sessions, seven thirty-six hour seminars on the ways to inner peace, peacemaking skills, and conflict resolution, a four year energy medicine program and off site retreats.